
Morris Jewelry Introduced Us To Jorge Revilla From Spain Last Year and Bowling Green is Finding A Great Gift With Each Piece!

By Admin, BuyLocalBG.com, BuyLocalBg@gmail.com/
Monday, July 21st, 2013 11:00 AM CST

Morris Jewelry has the new Spanish jewelry line, Jorge Revilla. They started manufacturing in Spain this year. At the most recent Jewelry Show in Tampa they met the owner, Jorge. He flew over from Spain for the show. They will take delivery in a few weeks. Make plans to stop by and pick a piece up.

Visit Morris Jewelry, your trusted source for the finest jewelry in Bowling Green. Located on beautiful Fountain Square in Bowling Green. It’s like having a family member in the business when you are looking for a fair deal, remember Morris Jewelry. Get down to Main Street next to the Capitol Arts Center. Check out Morris Jewelry online.

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