By Admin,,
Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014 8:00 AM CST
Let’s be honest we need to think safety first this next 4 to 6 weeks with all of you buying fireworks! So, below are some tips and at Booth Fire and Safety they have what you need to remain safe when lighting those beautiful sparks from your driveway. Also, it’s going to be H-O-T! I went down to check on the rentals of fans at Booth Fire and Safety yesterday and they are going fast but, there are some still available for rent this weekend. We’re lucky to have a place like Booth Fire and Safety with a full line of fans (They do sell but most rent) and cooling products to keep your little league, soccer, family reunion, (Charity event if you are me) or employees cool this summer as well as this weekend’s festivities. Here are a few ideas we’ve discussed before:
This is the 36 inch portable oscillating fog fan. The most powerful cooling fan, produces a high pressure cooling fog. Booth Fire and Safety’s industrial quality 36″ oscillating fan distributes the cool air up to 65 feet.* Auto drain valve reduces nozzle clogging. Easy attachable 12 nozzle misting ring. Low pressure shut-off.
Cooling Product Rentals, Booth Fire has them (like the Versacool above) have several styles available for rentals. Whether your event is a sporting event, wedding, outdoor party, we have the answer. Rentals also available for Outdoor Retail, Fire Department/Rescue Squads, Pools, Patios, Decks, Construction Job Sites and Tents. They have rates for daily, weekend or weekly.
While considering the fans, consider the first aid kit and fire extinguishers you will need when setting off fireworks. Here are some special rules of safety when setting off fireworks:
- Always buy fireworks from a reputable seller; never experiment and try to build your own firecracker.
- Always read and follow the directions on the fireworks.
- Always keep water nearby, just in case. It is best to have both a bucket, fire extinguisher and a garden hose.
- Only light fireworks outside, away from houses, dry leaves or grass.
- Never carry fireworks in your pocket.
- The person lighting fireworks, especially the shooting kind, should wear eye protection.
- Always have an adult present.
- Never allow small children to hold or play with fireworks. While many think that sparklers are the safest of fireworks, they still burn with an extremely hot flame and could catch clothes on fire or burn skin.
- Older children should only be allowed to set off fireworks under the close supervision of an adult.
- Make sure that anyone watching the fireworks is out of range when you light them. Never throw or point a firework at another person. Never lean over a firework when you are lighting it.
- Light only one firework at a time. Keep unused fireworks away from the lighting area. Never carry fireworks in your pocket.
- Do not try to re-light a dud firecracker. The fuse will be too short, and it could blow up and hurt you. Set it aside and dunk it in the bucket of water to make sure it doesn’t have a spark that could cause a delayed explosion, and then throw it away.
- Never light a firework inside a container, especially glass or metal. This could send glass or metal shards flying and do a lot of damage to you and anyone else nearby.
- Always follow your local laws; stay away from illegal explosives.
- When you are done, dunk your used fireworks in the water bucket before throwing them away.
- If you have any left-over fireworks, read the instructions to see if there are any special storage instructions. If not, then store them in a cool, dry place.
Your safety this July 4th is Booth Fire and Safety’s business. Also, if you have a business or organization that needs help to insure the safety of the people and building itself or just to keep them cool in the warm summer months, your local choice is Booth Fire and Safety. 538 State Street Bowling Green. Call them at 270.781.3330 or check their website out and fan them on facebook.