By Admin,,
Monday, April 21st, 2014 12:00 PM CST
There is a closeness among people with the new jewelry offered by Morris Jewelry. There are few gifts that are as intimate and meaningful as the gift of wearing the distinct impression that only one person is able to make. Twenty years ago the president of the First Impression company (The company Morris Jewelry works with) was a first generation goldsmith fresh out of art school who while in conversation with his mother was asked the poignant question, “What are you going to do in order to be successful?” to which he responded, “mom, I think that all I need to do is make jewelry that matters to people.” And he was right.
You need to get your order in as soon as possible to get it back in time for Mother’s Day on May 11th! Visit Morris Jewelry, your trusted source for the finest jewelry in Bowling Green. Located on beautiful Fountain Square in Bowling Green. It’s like having a family member in the business when you are looking for a fair deal, remember Morris Jewelry. Get down to Main Street next to the Capitol Arts Center. Check out Morris Jewelry online.