By Admin,,
Monday, July 1st, 2013 12:00 PM CST
A collection of the original instruments by which Americans have achieved extraordinary success. This unique collection showcases the ordinary means by which Americans from many fields of study have achieved extraordinary things– the actual “tools” that have shaped the course of this nation’s history. Serving to educate and inspire, these items remind us that the actual instruments used by the highest of achievers are not magical or highly unusual, but rather that the attainment of excellence is often achieved only by the imagination and perseverance that personify the American spirit.
Jay Leno used this Neumann microphone in broadcast conversations on the set of the Tonight Show with guests ranging from Robin Williams, Robert Downing, Jr., Toby Keith, and Rod Stewart to Senators Barack Obama and John McCain.
Liza Minnelli wore these jeweled, high heel sandals during her Tony Award winning performance in The Act (1977-78), directed by Martin Scorsese.
This hammer was used by President Jimmy Carter while building houses for Habitat for Humanity.
Soccer cleat belonging to U.S. National Women’s Soccer Team leader and Olympian Mia Hamm.
Bat belonging to 2007 American League Rookie of the Year and winning World Series team member, Dustin Pedroia.
Sandra Day O’Connor’s copy of the United States Constitution.