By Press Release,
Friday, February 15th, 2013 11:00 AM CST
The Landmark Association of Bowling Green and Warren County is pleased to announce that grants to fund preservation construction projects are once again available to our members. These grants help to fund exterior projects on historic houses and buildings. Structures that are either locally designated or on the National Register of Historic Places receive special preference. Other projects will be considered. The grants range from $250 to $800 each and must be matched with cash. A total of approximately $3,000 is available this year. Grants must be used on a primary building and cannot be used for new construction, landscaping, or fence repair. The grant application is attached or can be found at the Landmark Association website: You may leave a message at the Landmark Association office at 782-0037 or you may contact Sheila Flener at if you have specific questions. The deadline for the grants is April 21, 2013.