
Black Friday At Morris Jewelry: Diamonds and Electronics. Free iPhone5, iPad or iPad Mini with Purchase (see details).

By Admin, BuyLocalBG.com, BuyLocalBg@gmail.com/
Wednesday, November 21st, 2012 11:00 AM CST

The Chocolate Diamonds, Gold Black Diamonds and gifts from $25 to whatever you want. It’s all here and on top of it some will be carrying away iPad, iPhone or mini iPad with their purchase:

Extended hours this weekend keep the Black Friday sale rolling. Friday from 9:30am-7pm, Saturday 9:30-7pm and Sunday Noon-5pm. Visit Morris Jewelry, your trusted source for the finest jewelry in Bowling Green. Located on beautiful Fountain Square in Bowling Green. It’s like having a family member in the business when you are looking for a fair deal, remember Morris Jewelry. Get down to Main Street next to the Capitol Arts Center. Check out Morris Jewelry online.

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