By Admin,,
Monday, October 22nd, 2012 9:00 AM CST
Morris Jewelry’s Jim Steen is in Antwerp, Belgium on the diamond buying trip. He’s looking for your next family diamond that will be passed down from generation to generation. Isn’t it nice having a Direct Diamond Importer right here in Bowling Green?
As a Master IJO Jeweler, Morris Jewelry are welcomed onto the cutting floors with open arms. No request is too small, or too big for us to fulfill! At these great prices, this is truly a great opportunity to invest in the diamond of your dreams. Come in today and tell them what you want Jim to bring back from Antwerp!
Visit Morris Jewelry, your trusted source for the finest jewelry in Bowling Green. Located on beautiful Fountain Square in Bowling Green. It’s like having a family member in the business when you are looking for a fair deal, remember Morris Jewelry. Get down to Main Street next to the Capitol Arts Center. Check out Morris Jewelry online.