By Admin,,
Monday, August 13th, 2012 1:00 PM CST
The Fourth Show for The Warehouse at Mt. Victor’s Summer Concert Series is this Wednesday. His music speaks for itself and he has no problem speaking his mind on any issue, no matter the topic:
Artist scheduled to appear after Todd Snider:
Chris Knight 8/23/12-8:00PM
Call 270-904-6677or
The Warehouse at Mt. Victor also announced a 4 day Americana Music Festival last week. Sept. 20th- The Stray Birds, Sept.21- Lindsay Lou & the Flatbellys, Sept. 22nd- Mary Gauthier- Mary texted us Monday & said she would be bring a “Special Band” to The Warehouse(we are exicited), Sept. 23rd- Elizabeth Cook. Special pricing TBA for all shows.