By Admin,,
Monday, June 18th, 2012 12:00 PM CST
South Central Kentucky Kids on the Block will be hosting their 12th annual Garden Tour and Tea on June 23, 2012 from 10 am to 3 pm with proceeds helping bring free educational programming to local schools.
This is a daylong event that includes tours of local Bowling Green gardens, leading up to a lunch and tea. The day will start with visitations to the garden sites from 10 am to 2 pm followed by a lunch at the tea site from 1 pm to 3 pm. Events include the display of Vintage Motor Cars and a fashion show. There will also be drawings and door prizes given away at the tea site.
Garden Locations:
Garden 1: 193 Talbot Dr.
Garden 2: “The Leander Greer House 1906” 621 E. Main St.
Garden 3: 821 Rockwood
Garden 4: 2036 Quail Run
Garden 5: 1786 Kenilwood Way
Garden 6: 2823 Palisades Court
Garden 7: 936 Elm St.
Garden 8: 1700 Chestnut St.
Tea Site Location: 1700 Chestnut Street