By Admin,,
Thursday, May 10th, 2012 7:00 AM CST
In observance of National Train Day, Saturday, the Historic RailPark & Train Museum will be offering special activities including model train layouts, train rides for the kids and a Railroad Folklore program. From 9am-2pm Family fun with stories, crafts, activities and a Thomas the Train Play Zone. 10am-11am and 1pm-2pm, with a special appearance by Hot Rods Mascot “Roscoe.” Extended tours of unrestored railcars will also be available that day. And Mom’s…… you’re free with child admission! Happy Mother’s Day and National Train Day!
Long before interstates, people visiting Bowling Green arrived at the L&N Passenger Depot constructed from Warren County limestone. This 1925 structure has been restored and revived to house a two-story museum where visitors can learn the history of the tracks by asking questions of a “real Railroader” through state-of-the art interactive galleries. Exhibits highlight the African American experience during segregation, the Civil War and the Railroad, the Business of the Railroad, and showcase items used in the individual railcars.
Housing one of the region’s largest model railroad displays inside, outside is where the Historic Railpark currently displays six restored cars including a 1911 L&N Presidential office car, a 1949 Pullman Standard dining car, and a 1921 Post Office Car. Take home engineer’s hats, model trains, apparel and collectibles from their shop.