
Experience Wine At The Right Temperature At Everytime With The Corkcicle From Barbara Stewart Interiors.

By Admin, BuyLocalBG.com, BuyLocalBg@gmail.com/
Monday, January 30th, 2011 9:00 AM CST

Barbara Stewart would like to introduce Bowling Green to the Corkcicle.  Keeping your wines at just the right drinking temperatures—it’s a great dilemma. Too cold and it could mask the vintner’s uniquely crafted complexities. Too warm and the flavors may take a back seat to the alcohol. The answer to this perplexity? Corkcicle.  Placed inside the bottle, Corkcicle chills the wine from the inside.

Barbara Stewart Interiors and Invitations on Main have kept Bowling Green looking classy for years! Check Barbara Stewart out on facebook or online. Check Invitations on Main out on Facebook as well!

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