
Stop Giving Your Money Away. Make Sure You’re Home’s Window’s Are Efficient With Capitol Window and Door’s WEF!

By Admin, BuyLocalBG.com, BuyLocalBg@gmail.com/
Tuesday, August 30th, 2011 7:00 AM CST

Face it, you might be giving away a portion of your paycheck each month because your windows are failing you. No one wants to pay for Air Conditioning and Heating to have it escape the house. That’s why Capitol Window and Door want everyone to check out the WEF (Window Efficiency Factor) on each window before purchasing.

All windows are different, and have different performance or efficiency. Often times people assume “A vinyl window is a vinyl window.” Well, that’s why there are some vinyl windows that are better than others.

The three primary criteria in judging a window’s performance are: the “u” value, the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) and air infiltration. All of the factors are tested by independent testing laboratories for all window manufacturers. For each of the criteria the lower the number, the better it is at efficiency. The window efficiency factor is the sum of all three measurements:


Of course we love the fact that Capitol Window and Door is a Locally Owned business but, we also love that they are willing to educate us in the process. Check out their products online or at their showroom at 202 State Street. You can also call them at 270-842-9421. Fan them on Facebook for updates.

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