
Spencer’s Coffeehouse Features the Latest Break through in Home Brewing, The Clever Dripper! You Need To Buy This!

By Admin, BuyLocalBG.com, BuyLocalBg@gmail.com/
Monday, July 11th, 2011 12:00 PM CST

Do you love the French Press? How about Traditional filter drip coffee? The Clever Coffee Dripper combines the best features of French press and filter drip brewing, eliminating the drawbacks of each. This drip cone is, well, clever. It combines the ease and cleanliness of drip brewing with the long extraction of french press brewing. The difference is a spring loaded stopper on the bottom of the cone. To brew coffee you add a paper filter, coffee and hot water. Instead of placing the cone over your cup immediately, the spring loaded stopper keeps the coffee inside until you place the cone on a mug to lift up the stopper and drain your brew.

Right now at Spencer’s Coffeehouse thru July, the already affordable Clever Dripper is even cheaper — just $16 for one of the simplest ways to brew amazing coffee. Think French press but smoother, and without the messy cleanup. Check them out online or fan them at their facebook page.

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