“The new home of Junkyard Gypsies”
By Admin, BuyLocalBG.com, BuyLocalBg@gmail.com/
Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011 7:00 AM CST
A hidden gem of Bowling Green just decided to be not so hidden this month. Many of us loved to shop at the two houses on Kenton Street known as “Junkyard Gypsies” but, now they’ve moved on out and to bigger and more noticeable digs over on 31 W not more than a half mile away from their most recent location. From someone who loved the old store, this new store is even better. Great open spaces to see the antique gold that ‘Junkyard Gypsies’ offers.
In a world of consignment stores of a sluggish economy, this one is different. It’s a mix between a museum, antique store, novelty store, hobby store and an art gallery. I liken it to a store packed with the things that make you excited to watch History Channel’s ‘American Pickers’ and ‘Pawn Stars.’ Lots of stuff from your childhood and stuff that would just look very hip in your home.
“This is not your average consignment store, this is hip and trendy.”
The recycled beauty of the merchandise makes this just a must see in Bowling Green. To be honest, who cares about the economy…. I’d shop here in the must positive economic times. Kellie Steen and Kim Simpson have created a new “must see” in Bowling Green!
The ladies do have quite a few people that consign with them but, they are selective on what pieces are coming in. Junk they LOVE: Old, funky retro, vintage items! Junk they DON”T love: Anything country! That means no wooden hearts or tater bins! Brass, lamps without shades, hunter green/maroon/teal items, dirty items, nonworking items, appliances, bedding and curtains unless they are really, really cute and clean. Just remember their slogan, “Funky, unique, eclectic items and furniture for your home.”
They will many times have great sells and new stuff is always coming in and out of the store. I am glad to see we have a proper store that can not only restore the history of some great pieces but, make you happy just shopping in the store. They have a great area for parking behind their new location at 1022 31W Bypass.You can also reach them at 270.781.JUNK (5865)
Store Hours: Monday 11am-5pm, Tuesday-Friday 10am-5pm and Saturday 10:30am-3:30pm