By Admin,,
Friday, January 7th, 2011 12:00 PM CST
Every Friday we will do a rundown of the stories we covered, in case you missed it. We’d also like to thank everyone for the first week we launched! Great response, lots of fans on facebook in one week as well as an interview with the Beaver, who we thank Scooter Davis and Myla from the morning show for that!
With the threat of snow this time of year your tires become a major focus. Some of you may be feeling a vibration and need to get this checked. I did and after the Road Force Balance it drove like a new car. S&R Tire explains the procedure here. Click
This upcoming Monday is the first meeting for the “Ladies of The Leaf.” It also may get a new name if the ladies would like to change it. A great way for the women of the Bowling Green region to socialize and enjoy and learn about cigars, pipe tobacco and some fine beer from craft breweries across America! Check out the new event at Bowling Green Pipe and Cigar. Click
Many businesses are preparing for their taxes right now and some are seeing what they paid for Credit Card Processing. One Bowling Green group is helping many save major money that will help on those high processing costs. Click
Why link it. Just hit play to the first of many awesome web ads from Spencer’s Coffee House:
We introduced many of you to a new place for delivery during lunch and dinner. Little did you know it’s one of your favorite restaurants, The Bistro. Click
The mystery behind the $189 window was solved. Capitol Window and Door not only is local but, willing to let us in on trade secrets on how to buy a cost efficient as well as quality window. Click
The WKU Store is awesome. We know it’s awesome. Now, their peers in the College Bookstore business are letting the U.S. know how awesome they are! Click
I’m writing this while in a very good mood. My secret? The aroma of lovely coming from my Angel Food Cake candle from Candle Makers on the Square. They have other fragrances for you to choose from. Click
It’s almost that time of year where people start redoing sections of their house. Many are looking at putting in new floors. You may consider laminate floors. If you are, check this video out! Click
Lastly, we looked at the very cool event Destiny Dental does every year, “Give Kids a Smile” day. If you know anyone who would benefit from this day, get in contact with them ASAP! It’s great to have partners who give so much back to our community! Click