By Admin, BuyLocalBG.com, BuyLocalBg@gmail.com/
Monday, December 13th, 2010 8:00 AM CSTAs the Holiday shopping comes to a fevered pitch with 12 days left, shopping for gifts will be on everyone’s mind, but have you ever stopped to think about the importance of WHERE you are buying your gifts and what significance that decision has on your town? This year, we ask all of you to give Bowling Green the gift of a strong economy by shopping at locally-owned, independent businesses. Studies have shown that for every $100 spent at a chain, only $15 remains in the local community, but spending $100 at a Bowling Green business keeps $45 in the local community.
Another reason to shop locally is to ensure the survival of businesses that make Bowling Green the charming city we all love. Not just those great little boutiques and restaurants Downtown or off Campbell Lane, but also the lawyers, Barbers and Stylists, Home improvement stores and convenience stores. These are the businesses owned by your neighbors and friends, who will stand by our city in the good and the bad as well as donate to our youth football, soccer, baseball and other leagues as well as our schools.
This holiday season, when shopping we challenge you to at least 10% more of your money with local businesses. It could be for a gift or just where you fill your tanks of gas or feel your cravings at a local restaurant.
Remember, you are shopping at a Bowling Green store you invest in making Bowling Green better. So please, Buy Local this holiday season.