
Tips to Protect Your Hearing From Better Hearing Centers.

As we age, we gradually lose our ability to hear high-frequency sounds, but musicians and people who work in loud environments face a much higher risk of hearing loss than most people. Hearing loss can be a frustratingly debilitating event in one’s life....

Tips to Protect Your Hearing From Better Hearing Centers.

As we age, we gradually lose our ability to hear high-frequency sounds, but musicians and people who work in loud environments face a much higher risk of hearing loss than most people. Hearing loss can be a frustratingly debilitating event in one’s life...

Are Your Loved Ones Showing Signs of Hearing Loss?

Better Hearing Centers take great pride in offering a level of patient care that our patients have ...

This Holiday, Watch For Hearing Loss from Family and Call Better Hearing Center for Appointment!

As we age, we gradually lose our ability to hear high-frequency sounds, but musicians and people wh...

Welcome Our Newest Partner, Better Hearing Center & Beltone of Bowling Green!

We have worked with David Kimble and the fine folks of both Beltone and Better Hearing Center in Bo...