By Admin,,
Thursday, March 13th, 2014 1:00 PM CST
This Friday Mellow Matt’s Music and More will host an in-store with Sam Bouchah from 5pm-6pm! From
“Sam Bouchah, 17, of Bowling Green, Kentucky, has put college off to dedicate himself to his music. “My guitar gives me hope. Like no matter what I’m going through, I can pick up Rita and it all melts away. Music is my whole life. People say that all the time but for me it really is everything. Everything hard I’ve ever been through or any unpleasant experience I’ve had, music has been there for me. I want to be loved and happy. Not famous or remembered,” Bouchah said.
Like their page and find out about their new music on Smallhouse Road! Fan their facbook page here and you can find them at 1200 Smallhouse Rd Unit C, (270) 780-0068.